Our Capabilities
Brands and Retailers operate in a marketplace filled with rapidly evolving technologies, demographic shifts, and economic uncertainty. All of these fluctuations greatly alter a consumer’s perception of time and money, rendering traditional approaches to marketing obsolete.
At The OTT Group, our focus is on understanding how time and money are connected and how to impact consumer attitudes and behaviors across the retail landscape. We understand that it takes time to build a brand, to grow an audience, and to gain market share. However, we see time as a critical link between a brand and a customer and not merely a calendar of activities.
- Advertising
- Branding
- Design
- Digital Media Strategy
- Media Planning Strategy
- Marketing Strategy
- Social Media
- Video/Photography Solutions
- Digital Store Network (DSN)
- – Screen Deployment
- – Installation
- – Maintenance
- – Creative Content
- – Content Scheduling
- – Advertising Sales